NOTE: CUT OFF MARKS: Mathematics = 40, English Language = 60
Interview Date : THURSDAY APRIL __, 20__. TIME: 8:00 am PROMPT
VENUE:Presentation National High School, Ugbekun, Benin City.
All candidates are pleased required to come with the following:
Photocopy of birth certificate with the candidate passport attached. (Sworn affidavit will not be accepted).
Both the original and photocopies of primary school results from primary 3-5. (to be presented during interview)
Original copy of receipt or bank teller for the purchase of form.
All candidates are to pay N__, ___ each for snack, drinks and lunch.
Parents/guardians of prospective candidates to P.N.H.S. are required to come for interview with a non-refundable acceptace fee of N__, 000 .00 (twenty thousand naira only as successful candidate will be given prospectus upon payment of this fees.